The Maldives is unquestionably a standout amongst the most delightful atolls on the planet, offering various phenomenal spots for plunging and in addition mind boggling shorelines, housing and a warm, tropical climate. Toward the north of Male Atoll and situated inside Kuda Kalhi, just toward the west of Club Med is Banana Reef, a standout amongst the most well known plunge locales in the Maldives. The atoll itself is very staggering.
Additionally called "Gaathugiri", Banana Reef gets its name from the general state of the island when seen from above. There are many places along the plunge site to investigate, for example, on the western end were an extensive buckle can be found between 1m to 15m down that have a lot of fish. The northeastern end of the reef is seemingly the best place to plunge with a lot of huge caverns, interesting shades and profound canals along the superb shake confront. There is surely bounty to see at this specific plunge site from the coral reef divider to a wide range of types of fish and ocean life in the zone.
Dive Conditions & Experience Requirements:
The plunge conditions at Banana Reef are surely a portion of the best in the Maldives which clarifies to some degree why it is so well known. In addition, it is a plunge site that is great throughout the entire year with a lot of spots to investigate. The plunge itself ranges from around 5m to 30m, however in many places there are quiet streams and great perceivability make this the ideal place for fledgling jumpers to get their feet wet.
In any case, there are times in which the streams can be very solid, particularly close to the reef itself which can make a "whirlpool" like impact. The most ideal approach to manage this kind of flow is to just ride it out as it will take you to more settled waters. In addition, tenderfoot jumpers can remain nearer to the surface to maintain a strategic distance from this one of a kind current impact.
Generally speaking, the jumping background of Banana Reef is something that few individuals ever overlook. A completely staggering spot to plunge that gives many shrouded fortunes to the accomplished and additionally the fledgling jumper.