Ayurvedic Tours

Sri Lanka has been practicing Ayurveda, in order to endow a better life to people, since centuries. The country has been enriched with herbal retreats which are further provided to the world in the form of herbal medicines in the Ayurvedic treatments. Ayurveda has become an integral...more »
Sri Lanka is an ideal destination to feel the eternal essence of Ayurveda. Sri Lanka proves to be a destination where the origins of Ayurveda are best understood. Ayurveda is a traditional science of living that helps people to adopt a better lifestyle. Ayurveda provides a sense of serenity and inner calmness which people all over the world desires nowadays. It affirms to be a unique holistic approach to health. It leads people to follow the path of well being and a healthy living. Sri Lanka is dotted with spa centers and Ayurveda hospitals to help the people across the world with its incredible Ayurvedic treatments and services. Even the resorts in Sri Lanka are providing spiritual spa services to its visitors.

Ayurveda is a practice which has been blindly followed in South Asia for more than 5000 years now. The holistic approach that Ayurveda bestows to people is primarily based natural herbs and diet. Sri Lanka is extensively prosperous in terms of medicinal plants and natural herbs which work wonders for Ayurveda as it is primarily based on herbs and herbal medicines, natural treatments and herbal oils. These natural wonders are not only used to treat people from their illness or ailment but it also promotes wellbeing and provides inner calmness to the person. It is more of a spiritual process which starts from the physical self and reaches to the mind while making a spiritual harmony to the body and inner self. It simple cleanses the mind and body and leaves it rejuvenated and relaxed.